Discover the Music
My music is the union of the multiplicity of what I've heard, experienced, learned, and studied. Over 670 compositions, eleven in 2019 alone, so far. What I mainly compose is New Jazz Music and Modern Chamber Music, where I tweak at the boundaries of harmonic progressions and melody. I also compose experimental works including harmonic sketches, stream-of-consciousness improvisations, electro-acoustic works, and assorted popular styles. |
These links provide live performance and studio examples of my work. Solo Performance, and Duo / Trio are just that. Art videos are both live performance and studio recordings, where I've created visuals to express emotion. Jazz Street Station was my ensemble that was on the 1994 Grammy Nominations Ballot. Baltimore Jazz Works is my most recent ensemble. In 2017 we performed at the Light City Baltimore, Artscape, and Free Fall Baltimore arts festivals. Baltimore Composers Forum represents my chamber music. |